Category Archives: News from OZFF Board

From OPDX Bulletin 1316 / 29 May 2017


The YOFF team of SRR (The Romanian Society of Radio- amateurs) and ARER (The Romanian Association of Environmentalists Radio- amateurs) are inviting all the radio amateurs to join them in the Green- Party 2017 event, between 0600-1759z on June 3rd.

The purpose of the event is to stimulate the ham operators to leave the house and get involved in portable/outdoor operation related to nature and ecology and to familiarize worldwide radio amateurs with protected natural areas.

For more details, see:

For a Web page that lists upcoming WWFF stations, see:

OZFF SMS service

Hej alle,

På OZFF SMS service listen er der efterhånden en håndfuld danske radioamatører. Det er langt fra alle vi ser i OZFF logs.

Jeg er fri SMS på telefonen, så økonomisk betyder det intet. Men jeg ønsker ikke at spamme folk med uønskede SMSer. Så husk, man kan altid melde til og fra. Rent praktisk er det blot et flueben i en app.

Man skal bare sende en SMS eller mail for at komme af/på SMS listen.

Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob