A new area is added to the WWFF / OZFF Program.
OZFF-0184 Kås :
A new area is added to the WWFF / OZFF Program.
OZFF-0184 Kås :
A new OZFF area are added to the program :
OZFF-0183 – Store Vandskel, Rørbæk Sø and Tinnet Krat
The Arealist will be updated next week
Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob
The YOFF team of SRR (The Romanian Society of Radio- amateurs) and ARER (The Romanian Association of Environmentalists Radio- amateurs) are inviting all the radio amateurs to join them in the Green- Party 2017 event, between 0600-1759z on June 3rd.
The purpose of the event is to stimulate the ham operators to leave the house and get involved in portable/outdoor operation related to nature and ecology and to familiarize worldwide radio amateurs with protected natural areas.
For more details, see: http://wff-yo.blogspot.ro/p/blog-page_3.html
For a Web page that lists upcoming WWFF stations, see: http://wwff.co/agenda
Dr all,
A new area is added to the WWFF / OZFF Program. It´s :
OZFF-0182 / Lillebælt
Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob
Mandag d. 8. maj afholder jeg mit foredrag omkring portabel aktivering i EDR Odense afdeling. (Flora Fauna som udgangspunkt).
Der er start kl 19:30 og adressen er Øksnebjergvej 15 C, 5230 Odense M.
Alle er velkomne !!!
Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob
Hej alle,
På OZFF SMS service listen er der efterhånden en håndfuld danske radioamatører. Det er langt fra alle vi ser i OZFF logs.
Jeg er fri SMS på telefonen, så økonomisk betyder det intet. Men jeg ønsker ikke at spamme folk med uønskede SMSer. Så husk, man kan altid melde til og fra. Rent praktisk er det blot et flueben i en app.
Man skal bare sende en SMS eller mail for at komme af/på SMS listen.
Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob
Is anybody taking parth of the WORLD RADIO AMATEUR DAY 2017 ?
I do – Will send a post tomorrow 😉
Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob
At the last 12 hour, the Page have been under a big Register – Spam attack.
The Register function are switched off.
New Users please contact us.
A new Register function will be fixed soon.
Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob
2 new OZFF areas added to the program.
It is :
OZFF-0180 – Kronborg Castle og kulturhavn
OZFF-0181 – Hørsholm kirke Slotshave
Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob
Hej / Hi
Hvis nogen ønsker hjælp til brugerregistrering og mail ved ny post m.m, så send mig en mail med ønsket Password. Så opretter jeg jer.
Ellers prøv at bruge denne vejledning.
If someone needs help for user registration and mail at new entry etc, please send me an email with the desired password. So I create you.
Or use this Manual.
Vy 73 de OZ7AEI / Jakob